Welcome to the Documents, Tools and Templates page, a resource hub for implementing the UW-Madison Youth Protection Policy (UW–1045). Here, you’ll find a comprehensive collection of documents, tools and templates designed to support youth activities.
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UW-1045 Implementation
Best Practices
Health and Safety
Emergency Response Template
First Aid Kit Resource Guide
Communicable Disease Plan On-Campus Template
Communicable Disease Plan Off-Campus Template
Cooking Classes and Demonstrations
Food Safety Poster for Dorm Kitchens
Overview of Dining at UW–Madison
Youth Activities Emergency Procedures – Pocket Cards
Incident Reporting Obligations for Youth Activities
Death Injury and Illness Report
Non-Employee Incident Report Form
Campus Incident Reporting Form (for Sexual Misconduct and Clery Violations)
Non-Custodial/Field Trip Resources
Third-Party Youth Activities
ATCP 78 Residential Youth Activities
ATCP 78 Handbook for Residential Youth Activities
ATCP 78 Recreational and Educational Camps
Death Injury and Illness Report
Camper Health History Standard Form
Approved Safety Courses for Recreational Camps
Lifeguard Attendant Staffing Plan
Camper Sexual Abuse Prevention Training
Camper Sexual Abuse Prevention Training Guidance