UW–Madison employees, volunteers, and contractors have a variety of reporting obligations when interacting with minors in a youth activity. Some obligations apply to all adults interacting with minors and others depend on your position within the youth activity. Incidents must be reported in compliance with university policy and state or federal laws. To meet your reporting obligations, you may need to make more than one report.
Please review the information below to learn about the reporting obligations you have as a UW–Madison employee or volunteer in a youth activity. This information is organized by the type of conduct.
Under Governor’s Executive Order #54 (EO 54), all UW System employees are mandated reporters of child abuse and neglect and have an obligation to report directly to authorities. At UW–Madison, this mandate includes volunteers and contractors working on behalf of the university.
For the purposes of reporting child abuse and neglect, a “child” is a person who is less than 18 years of age.
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What do I report?
Physical Abuse
Definition: Physical injury inflicted on a child by other than accidental means. Physical injury includes, but is not limited to, lacerations, fractured bones, burns, internal injuries, severe or frequent bruising or great bodily harm.
Signs of physical abuse
- bruises and welts
- injuries in the shape of an object (e.g., a belt or cord)
- unexplained burns on palms, soles of feet, back
- fractures that do not fit the story of how an injury occurred
- delay in seeking medical help
- extremes in behavior: very aggressive or withdrawn and shy
- afraid to go home
- frightened of parents
- fearful of other adults
Sexual Abuse
Definition: Sexual intercourse or sexual touching of a child; recording or displaying of a child engaged in sexually explicit conduct; forcing a child to view or listen to sexual activity; exposing genitals or pubic area to a child or exposing a child’s genitals or pubic area for purposes of sexual gratification; or permitting, allowing, or encouraging a child to engage in prostitution.
Signs of sexual abuse
- pain, swelling or itching in genital area
- bruises, bleeding, discharge in genital area
- difficulty walking or sitting, frequent urination, pain
- stained or bloody underclothing
- venereal disease
- refusal to take part in gym or other exercises
- poor peer relationships
- unusual interest in sex for age
- drastic change in school achievement
- runaway or delinquent
- regressive or childlike behavior
Emotional Abuse
Definition: “Emotional damage” for which the child’s parent, guardian, or legal custodian has neglected, refused or been unable, for reasons other than poverty, to obtain the necessary treatment or take steps to improve the symptoms.
Emotional Damage
Definition: Harm to a child’s psychological or intellectual functioning which is exhibited by severe anxiety, depression, withdrawal, or aggression. Emotional damage may be demonstrated by substantial and observable changes in behavior, emotional response, or learning which are incompatible with the child’s age or stage of development.
Signs of emotional damage
- low self-esteem
- self-denigration
- severe depression
- aggression
- withdrawal
- severe anxiety
Definition: When a parent or caretaker fails, refuses, or is unable, for reasons other than poverty, to provide the necessary care, food, clothing, medical or dental care, or shelter, which seriously endangers the physical health of the child.
Signs of neglect
- poor hygiene, odor
- inappropriately dressed for weather
- needs medical or dental care
- left alone, unsupervised for long periods
- failure to thrive, malnutrition
- constant hunger, begs or steals food
- extreme willingness to please
- frequent absence from school
- arrives early and stays late at school or play areas or other people’s homes
Threatened Abuse or Neglect
Threatened abuse or neglect refers to behaviors or conditions a child is exposed to that are dangerous to the child and likely to result in abuse or neglect.
Signs of threatened abuse or neglect
Identify behaviors or conditions that are dangerous or becoming dangerous to a child. Consider the possibility of threatened abuse or neglect when you observe or become aware of the following:
- Minor injuries that are cause for concern, including bruising on a non-mobile child; bruising or scrapes to vulnerable parts of a child’s body; or an escalating pattern of corporal punishment that increases in severity or frequency
- Exposure to violence, even if a child has not yet been injured, when there is domestic violence or a violent person in the home
- Exposure to dangerous people or situations, including previous abusers or criminal activity
- An impaired caregiver, when there is no one else in the home to provide necessary care or protection
Abuse as manufacturing of methamphetamine
Definition: The criminal manufacture of methamphetamines is defined as child abuse when it is done under any of the following circumstances:
- A child is present
- It is manufactured in a child’s home, on the premises of a child’s home, or in a motor vehicle on the premises of a child’s home
- It is manufactured under any other circumstances where a reasonable person should have known that the manufacture would be seen, smelled, or heard by a child
Signs of exposure to methamphetamine manufacture
Consider the possibility of meth manufacture in a child’s environment when you see or become aware of the following in a child, particularly in combination:
- painful or burning eyes or eye irritation
- skin irritation and redness or burns
- sneezing and chronic coughing, congestion, or fever
- chest pain, difficulty breathing, or shortness of breath
- vomiting, diarrhea, or nausea
- headaches
- rapid heart rate
- jaundice or dark-colored urine
- extreme irritability
When do I report?
Reports are required for all potential incidents of child abuse and neglect where the employee, volunteer, or contractor, in the course of their professional duties, observes, learns of, or has reasonable cause to believe that child abuse or neglect has or will occur. Reports are to be made immediately.
How do I report?
If there is an emergency or a child is in immediate danger, call 911.
Call your county social/human services department, sheriff, or local police department. If in Madison, UWPD can be contacted. Reports must be given immediately by telephone or in-person to law enforcement or Child Protective Services (CPS) — no voicemail or email. Child Protective Services will not disclose information about who made a report unless it is court ordered.
Be prepared to report:
- Child’s name, address, phone number, if known
- Parent or caregiver name, if known
- What happened, or is happening to the child
- The nature of the abuse or neglect
- The persons involved
Even if you do not know all the information, report what you do know.
Additional Campus Reporting
In addition to notifying Child Protective Services or law enforcement, the reporter must also make an internal report to OHR-Workforce Relations or UW Police Department if either of the following apply:
- The incident or threat of child abuse or neglect involves an allegation against a university employee or an agent of the university (e.g., a student or volunteer).
- The incident or threat of child abuse or neglect occurred on the UW–Madison campus or during a UW–Madison sponsored activity.
- Sexual abuse of a minor is also reportable under the Sexual Harassment or Sexual Violence reporting requirements. Visit the Sexual Harassment or Sexual Violence reporting section for more information.
If you are unsure about making a report, please contact either of the following:
UW–Madison Police Department
608-264-2677 (available 24 hours)
Dane County Child Protective Services (CPS)
608-261-KIDS or 608-261-5437
After hours: 608-255-6067
If you have general questions about the Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse and Neglect training, other reporting obligations, or your responsibilities as a UW–Madison employee, volunteer, or contractor, contact the Office of Youth Protection at youthprotection@wisc.edu.
If you have questions about identifying sexual abuse of a minor, contact the Office of Compliance at titleix_coordinator@wisc.edu.
As an employee, volunteer or contractor, it is critical that you understand your obligation to report, what to report, and how to report. The information on this page is an overview. To better understand your role as a mandated reporter, complete the Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse and Neglect (OYP) online training. Volunteers without a UW–Madison NetID should take the Wisconsin Mandated Reporter Online Training. Select the “UW System” option.
The Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence policy prohibits acts of sexual harassment and sexual violence (including sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking and sexual exploitation) in all programs and activities of the University.
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What do I report?
Any violation of the UW–Madison Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence Policy. Prohibited conduct includes sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking, sexual exploitation and related retaliation.
Who needs to report?
UW–Madison employees or volunteers who have been identified as Responsible Employees in campus policy must report incidents of sexual harassment or sexual violence to the university. This designation applies to anyone who is responsible for the custodial care and supervision of minors in a youth activity. Authorized custodians and Authorized Assistant Custodians are considered Responsible Employees while working in a youth activity.
The Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence policy prohibits acts of sexual harassment and sexual violence (including sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking and sexual exploitation) in all programs and activities of the University.
When do I report?
Reports should be made immediately assuming no one is in immediate danger. If there is an emergency or a child is in immediate danger, call 911 first.
How do I report?
Use the Campus Incident Reporting Form (for Sexual Misconduct and Clery Violations) and contact the Sexual Misconduct Resource and Response Program at titleix_coordinator@wisc.edu with questions.
For more information visit
The Clery Act is a federal law that requires colleges and universities to disclose information about crime on and around their campuses. In addition, the Clery Act requires universities to report crimes that occur during youth activities.
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Who needs to report?
UW–Madison employees who are Campus Security Authorities (CSAs) based on criteria provided by the US Department of Education. This designation applies to anyone who is responsible for the custodial care and supervision of minors in a youth activity. All authorized Custodians and Authorized Assistant Custodians are considered Campus Security Authorities (CSAs) while working in a youth activity.
What do I report?
Certain crimes including manslaughter, assault, arson, burglary, robbery, theft, sexual assault, hate crimes, and drug offenses, disclosed by anyone, regardless of when it occurred, if the crime occurred on campus, on public property next to campus, on a property owned or controlled by UW–Madison not near campus, or on property owned or controlled by a registered student organization.
How do I report?
Use the Campus Incident Report Form (for Sexual Misconduct and Clery Violations) and contact the Clery Program at the UW Police Department with questions.
For more information visit:
Accidental Injuries that occur during youth activities need to be reported to the Office of Risk Management.
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Who needs to report?
All program staff (each youth activity determines if program staff should submit a report directly to a campus partner office or to the program director first).
What do I report?
Report accidental injuries that occur during university youth activities. This does not include illness, but does include the following:
- Any accident/injury resulting in transportation of the participant by ambulance
- Any time a medical treatment beyond basic First Aid provided is needed. Examples of this include but are not limited to: lacerations requiring stitches, broken bones/fractures, concussions, head injuries, fainting/unconsciousness, heat exhaustion
- Anytime University Health Services (UHS) recommends that the injured youth receive follow-up provider care (whether or not follow-up care was received)
- Any time a youth participant cannot fully participate in the youth activity due to the injury sustained during their participation
- Any time a youth activity becomes aware that a youth participant sought treatment from a medical provider due to an injury sustained during their participation
When do I report?
Within 48 hours.
How do I report?
Complete the Non-Employee Incident Report Form. [Note: In the Affiliation with UW–Madison field, please mention “Youth activity participant” and the name of the youth activity, e.g., “PEOPLE Program.”]
Camps and Clinics Accident Insurance
If the youth activity is covered by UW System Camps & Clinics Participant Accident Insurance coverage, the program director should provide the following insurance documents to the injured participant/family.
Each youth activity may have additional reporting requirements based on the authorizing unit, physical location, type of activity and other attributes. The program director or Authorized Custodian who is primarily responsible for operating the activity must determine applicable reporting requirements and procedures.
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Who needs to report?
All program staff must report general program incidents.
What do I report?
General program incidents include but are not limited to:
- Peer conflicts
- Behavioral issues
- Attendance irregularities
- Violations of program rules
- Incidents that do not fall under the mandatory reporting obligations
How do I report?
Each youth activity determines the best process and procedure for internal record keeping of general program incidents that were reported.
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What do I report?
Youth activities with an overnight component that fall under an ATCP 78 license must report incidents resulting in serious injury, illness, or death, where an emergency medical service response is required. Report only those injuries or illnesses that require assistance from emergency medical service response.
When do I report?
By the end of the next working day following the incident, or sooner.
How do I report?
Complete the Recreational and Educational Camp Death, Injury, & Illness Report. Email a copy of the report to eoh@fpm.wisc.edu and youthprotection@wisc.edu.
All information must be printed or typed.